The power supply is the heart of every pedalboard and is often underestimated in its role. Well, Xvive V19 Micropower Multitrack is capable of satisfying even the toughest demands of the band’s everyday life and shines with reliability!
With 7 isolated outlets and the ability to handle 9, 12 and 18 volt DC pedals plus a 12 volt AC box, T-Rex FuelTank Goliath will power almost every pedal you own – and then some. Each of Goliath’s standard outlets delivers a mammoth 450 mA of 9 or12-volt power – which is enough to keep even the most demanding T-Rex pedals pumping out the tone.
The ADJ American Audio HP550 Lime DJ Headphones have been crafted with any DJ’s vital needs in mind, making these headphones durable, affordable, and great for monitoring music. With all the comforts and perks of the more expensive DJ lines, these headphones deliver professional level features at an affordable price.